Instructions for Authors
  1. Papers for publication in journal „Engineering of Biomaterials / Inżynieria Biomateriałów” should be written in English.
  2. All articles are reviewed. Non-reviewed articles, including conference materials, will be printed in special issues at the end of the year. 
  3. The authors should enclose a statement, that the article is original, has not been published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. 
  4. The Editors lead the policy of “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship” prevention.
    - “Ghostwriting” is the case of contributing a publication without revealing one’s participation as one of the authors or without reference to their role in the acknowledgments in the publication.
    - “Guest authorship” (honorary authorship) is the case of insignificant contribution of the author or its complete absence and nevertheless being the author or co-author of the publication.
    The Editors require that authors should reveal individual co-authors’ contribution to the publication (a statement concerning individual contribution should be provided, i.e. the information who is the author of the concepts, assumptions, methods, etc. used to prepare the publication). However, the corresponding author will chiefly be held responsible.
  5. Manuscripts should be submitted to Editorial Office on CD with a printout, drawings and photos or by e-mail to
  6. A manuscript should be organized in the following order:
  • Authors and affiliations
  • Abstract (200-250 words) - it should reflect the structure of the article (introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusions)
  • Keywords (4-6)
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results and Discussions
  • Conclusions
  • Acknowledgements
  • References
  1. Authors' full names and affiliations with postal addresses should be given. If authors have different affiliations use superscripts ¹,².
  2. The papers (including figures, tables, references) should be submitted as MS WORD file (Arial 9 point size font with 1.5 line spacing). Minimum length of manuscript - 6 pages. SI units should be used.
  3. All illustrations, figures, graphs etc. preferably in black and white or grey scale should be additionaly presented in separate electronic files (format .jpg, .gif., .tiff, .bmp). High-resolution figures are required for publication, at least 300 dpi. All figures must be numbered in the order in which they appear in the paper and captioned below. They should be referenced in the text (e.g. FIG. 1, FIG. 2a, TABLE 1). The captions of all figures should be submitted on a separate sheet.
  4. References should be listed at the end of the article. Number the references consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. References should contain the authors’ names and initials, full title of the paper, name of the journal (full or using Journal Abbreviations Index), volume number, year of publication, first and last page numbers.
            [1] Marciniak J.: Biomateriały w chirurgii kostnej, wyd. Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice 1992.
            [2] Chłopek J., Kmita G.: The study of lifetime of polymer and composite bone joint screws under cyclical loads
            and in vitro conditions. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 16 (2005) 1051-1060.
            [3] Dunne N.J., Daly C., Beverland D.E., Carey G., Orr J.F.: Mixing of acrylic bone cement-current theatre
            practices. Proceedings of the 7th World Biomaterials Congress, Sydney, Australia (2004) 1465.
ISI Journal Abbreviations Index

Journal Titles and Abbreviations
  1. Opinion or notes of reviewers will be transferred to the author. If the corrected article will not be supplied on time, it means that the author has resigned from publication of work in our journal.
  2. The Editors reserve the right to improve manuscripts on grammar and style and to modify the manuscripts to fit in with the style of the journal. If extensive alterations are required, the manuscript will be returned to the authors for revision.
  3. Publisher does not pay royalties for publication of article.
  4. Papers will not be considered for publication until all the requirements will be fulfilled. 

Reviewing procedure

The reviewing procedure is consistent with the recommendations of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education:
“Basic principles of journal reviewing procedure”.

  1. All submitted manuscripts are subjected to the formal assessment and preliminary evaluation by the Editors. Manuscripts outside of the journal’s scope and incompatible with guidelines for authors are returned to corresponding author.
  2. Editorial Office sends a preliminarily accepted by Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editor paper to two referees who are experts on the subject concerned. The submitted manuscripts will not be sent to reviewers from the same centre as the authors and to persons who can be in conflict of interest with the authors.
  3. Reviewers must ensure: the independence of opinion, no conflict of interest and lack of personal and business relationships with the authors of the article. All reviews are confidential and anonymous. The reviewers may not use the content of the manuscript before its publication.
  4. The review is made in a written form with a clear conclusion on acceptance (with or without changes) or rejection of the submission.
  5. Reviewers’ positive recommendation is necessary for the paper to be published.
  6. If reviewer recommends manuscript for correction and revision the authors should refer to reviewer's comments, and return the revised manuscript in 14 days.
  7. If one review is positive and the other negative, the author is asked to revise the text and then it will be passed for a new reviewing procedure.
  8. The Editors makes a final decision on the basis of the reviews of and the final version of the manuscript.
  9. The list of Reviewers is published once a year at journal website.


          Manuscript's application form